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فائل:Sphere wireframe.svg

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آزاد انسائیکلوپیڈیا، وکیپیڈیا توں

اصل فائل(ایس وی جی فائل، پکسل:۴۰۰ × ۴۰۰، فائل سائز: ۸ کلوبائٹ)

ایہ فائل Wikimedia Commons توں اے تے دوجیاں ویونتاں تے وی ورتی جاسکدی اے۔ گل بات اس دے فائل گل بات صفحہ تے تھلے دتی گئی۔


English: Sphere wireframe - orthogonal projection of a sphere. The image shows lines, which are drawn as they were painted onto the surface of a sphere. The angular distance between two lines is 10°. The SVG file is created by the below C++-program, which calculates each edge of a line as an ellipse-bow. The backside of the sphere has an opacity of 0.25. The axis tilt is 52.5°.
سروت آپݨا کم
لکھاری Geek3
دوجے ورژن

Sphere filled_blue.svg

Sphere wireframe 10deg 10r.svg
W3C-validity not checked.

Source Code

This image can be completely generated by the following source code. If you have the gnu compiler collection installed, the programm can be compiled by the following commands:

g++ sphere_wireframe.cpp -o sphere_wireframe

and run :

./sphere_wireframe > Sphere_wireframe.svg

It creates file Sphere_wireframe.svg in working directory. This file can be viewed using rsvg-view program :

rsvg-view Sphere_wireframe.svg

Here is cpp code in file : sphere_wireframe.cpp

/* sphere - creates a svg vector-graphics file which depicts a wireframe sphere
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Wikimedia foundation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this
 * program's author (see below) or write to:
 *   The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
 *   Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA

/* The expressions in this code are not proven to be correct.
 * Hence this code probably contains lots of bugs. Be aware! */

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.1415926535897932;
const double DEG = PI / 180.0;

/********************************* settings **********************************/
int n_lon = 18; 			// number of latitude fields (18 => 10° each)
int n_lat = 18; 			// half number of longitude fields (18 => 10° each)
double lon_offset = 2.5 * DEG; 	// offset of the meridians
double w = 52.5 * DEG; 		// axial tilt (0° => axis is perpendicular to image plane)
double stripe_grad = 0.5 * DEG;	// width of each line
int image_size = 400;			// width and height of the image in pixels
double back_opacity = 0.25;		// opacity of the sphere's backside
char color[] = "#334070";		// color of lines
int istep = 2; 			// svg code indentation step

double sqr(double x)
	return(x * x);

// commands for svg-code:
void indent(int n, bool in_tag = false)
	n *= istep;
	if (in_tag) n += istep + 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << " ";
void M()
	cout << "M ";
void Z()
	cout << "Z ";
void xy(double x, double y)
	cout << x << ",";
	cout << y << " ";
void arc(double a, double b, double x_axis_rot, bool large_arc, bool sweep)
{	// draws an elliptic arc
	if (b < 0.5E-6)
	{	// flat ellipses are not rendered properly => use line
		cout << "L ";
		cout << "A ";
		cout << a << ",";	// semi-major axis
		cout << b << " ";	// semi-minor axis
		cout << x_axis_rot << " ";
		cout << large_arc << " ";
		cout << sweep << " ";
void circle(bool clockwise)
	xy(-1, 0);
	arc(1, 1, 0, 0, !clockwise);
	xy(1, 0);
	arc(1, 1, 0, 0, !clockwise);
	xy(-1, 0);

void start_svg_file()
	cout << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n";
	cout << "<svg id=\"Sphere_wireframe\"\n";
	cout << "  version=\"1.1\"\n";
	cout << "  baseProfile=\"full\"\n";
	cout << "  xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n";
	cout << "  xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n";
	cout << "  width=\"" << image_size << "\"\n";
	cout << "  height=\"" << image_size << "\">\n\n";
	cout << "  <title>Sphere wireframe</title>\n\n";
	cout << "  <desc>\n";
	cout << "     about: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Sphere_wireframe.svg\n";
	cout << "     rights: GNU Free Documentation license,\n";
	cout << "             Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license\n";
	cout << "  </desc>\n\n";
	cout << "  <g id=\"sphere\" transform=\"scale(" << 0.5 * image_size;
	cout << ", " << -0.5 * image_size << ") translate(1, -1)\">\n";

void end_svg_file()
	cout << "  </g>\n</svg>\n";

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	// accept -lat and -lon as parameter
	for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
		if (isdigit(argv[i][0]) || (sizeof(argv[i]) > sizeof(char)
			&& isdigit(argv[i][1])
			&& (argv[i][0] == '.' || argv[i][0] == '-')))
			if (strcmp(argv[i - 1], "-lon") == 0)
				lon_offset = atof(argv[i]) * DEG;
			if (strcmp(argv[i - 1], "-lat") == 0)
				w = atof(argv[i]) * DEG;
	double cosw = cos(w), sinw = sin(w);
	double d = 0.5 * stripe_grad;

	int ind = 2; // initial indentation level
	cout << "<g id=\"sphere_back\" transform=\"rotate(180)\" ";
	cout << "opacity=\"" << back_opacity << "\">\n";
	cout << "<g id=\"sphere_half\">\n";

	// meridians
	indent(++ind); cout << "<g id=\"meridians\"\n";
	indent(ind++, true);
	cout << "style=\"stroke:none; fill:" << color << "; fill_rule:evenodd\">\n";
	double a = abs(cos(d));
	for (int i_lon = 0; i_lon < n_lat; i_lon++)
	{	// draw one meridian
		double longitude = lon_offset + (i_lon * 180.0 / n_lat) * DEG;
		double lon[2];
		lon[0] = longitude + d;
		lon[1] = longitude - d;
		cout << "<path id=\"meridian";
		cout << i_lon << "\"\n";
		indent(ind, true);
		cout << "d=\"";

		double axis_rot = atan2(-1.0 / tan(longitude), cosw);
		if (sinw < 0)
			axis_rot += PI;
		double w2 = sin(longitude) * sinw;
		double b = abs(w2 * cos(d));

		double sinw1 = sin(d) / sqrt(1.0 - sqr(sin(longitude) * sinw));

		if (abs(sinw1) >= 1.0)
		{	// stripe covers edge of the circle
			double w3 = sqrt(1.0 - sqr(w2)) * sin(d);
			// ellipse
			xy(sin(axis_rot) * w3 - cos(axis_rot) * a,
				-cos(axis_rot) * w3 - sin(axis_rot) * a);
			arc(a, b, axis_rot / DEG, 0, 0);
			xy(sin(axis_rot) * w3 + cos(axis_rot) * a,
				-cos(axis_rot) * w3 + sin(axis_rot) * a);
			arc(a, b, axis_rot / DEG, 0, 0);
			xy(sin(axis_rot) * w3 - cos(axis_rot) * a,
				-cos(axis_rot) * w3 - sin(axis_rot) * a);
		{	// draw a disrupted ellipse bow
			double w1 = asin(sinw1);
			xy(-cos(axis_rot + w1), -sin(axis_rot + w1));
			arc(a, b, axis_rot / DEG, 1, 0);
			xy(cos(axis_rot - w1), sin(axis_rot - w1));
			arc(1, 1, 0, 0, 1);
			xy(cos(axis_rot + w1), sin(axis_rot + w1));
			arc(a, b, axis_rot / DEG, 0, 1);
			xy(-cos(axis_rot - w1), -sin(axis_rot - w1));
			arc(1, 1, 0, 0, 1);
			xy(-cos(axis_rot + w1), -sin(axis_rot + w1));
		cout << "\" />\n";
	indent(--ind); cout << "</g>\n";

	cout << endl;

	// circles of latitude
	indent(ind); cout << "<g id=\"circles_of_latitude\"\n";
	indent(ind, true);
	cout << "style=\"stroke:none; fill:" << color << "; fill_rule:evenodd\">\n";
	for (int i_lat = 1; i_lat < n_lon; i_lat++)
	{	// draw one circle of latitude
		double latitude = (i_lat * 180.0 / n_lon - 90.0) * DEG;
		double lat[2];
		lat[0] = latitude + d;
		lat[1] = latitude - d;
		double x[2], yd[2], ym[2];
		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			x[i] = abs(cos(lat[i]));
			yd[i] = abs(cosw * cos(lat[i]));
			ym[i] = sinw * sin(lat[i]);
		double h[4];	// height of each point above image plane
		h[0] = sin(lat[0] + w);
		h[1] = sin(lat[0] - w);
		h[2] = sin(lat[1] + w);
		h[3] = sin(lat[1] - w);
		if (h[0] > 0 || h[1] > 0 || h[2] > 0 || h[3] > 0)
		{	// at least any part visible
			cout << "<path id=\"circle_of_latitude";
			cout << i_lat << "\"\n";
			indent(ind, true);
			cout << "d=\"";
			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				if ((h[2*i] >= 0 && h[2*i+1] >= 0)
					&& (h[2*i] > 0 || h[2*i+1] > 0))
				{	// complete ellipse
					xy(-x[i], ym[i]); // startpoint
					for (int z = 1; z > -2; z -= 2)
						arc(x[i], yd[i], 0, 1, i);
						xy(z * x[i], ym[i]);
					if (h[2-2*i] * h[3-2*i] < 0)
					{	// partly ellipse + partly circle
						double yp = sin(lat[1-i]) / sinw;
						double xp = sqrt(1.0 - sqr(yp));
						if (sinw < 0)
							xp = -xp;
						xy(-xp, yp);
						arc(x[1-i], yd[1-i], 0,
							sin(lat[1-i]) * cosw > 0, cosw >= 0);
						xy(xp, yp);
						arc(1, 1, 0, 0, cosw >= 0);
						xy(-xp, yp);
					else if (h[2-2*i] <= 0 && h[3-2*i] <= 0)
					{	// stripe covers edge of the circle
						circle(cosw < 0);
			if ((h[0] * h[1] < 0 && h[2] <= 0 && h[3] <= 0)
				|| (h[0] <= 0 && h[1] <= 0 && h[2] * h[3] < 0))
				// one slice visible
				int i = h[0] <= 0 && h[1] <= 0;
				double yp = sin(lat[i]) / sinw;
				double xp = sqrt(1.0 - yp * yp);
				xy(-xp, yp);
				arc(x[i], yd[i], 0, sin(lat[i]) * cosw > 0, cosw * sinw >= 0);
				xy(xp, yp);
				arc(1, 1, 0, 0, cosw * sinw < 0);
				xy(-xp, yp);
			else if (h[0] * h[1] < 0 && h[2] * h[3] < 0)
				// disrupted ellipse bow
				double xp[2], yp[2];
				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					yp[i] = sin(lat[i]) / sinw;
					xp[i] = sqrt(1.0 - sqr(yp[i]));
					if (sinw < 0) xp[i] = -xp[i];
				xy(-xp[0], yp[0]);
				arc(x[0], yd[0], 0, sin(lat[0]) * cosw > 0, cosw >= 0);
				xy(xp[0], yp[0]);
				arc(1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
				xy(xp[1], yp[1]);
				arc(x[1], yd[1], 0, sin(lat[1]) * cosw > 0, cosw < 0);
				xy(-xp[1], yp[1]);
				arc(1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
				xy(-xp[0], yp[0]);
			cout << "\" />\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		cout << "</g>\n";
	cout << "<use id=\"sphere_front\" xlink:href=\"#sphere_half\" />\n";

لائسنس –

میں، اس کم دے کاپیرائٹ دا مالک، اس کم نوں اس لائسنس دے مطابق چھاپدا واں:
GNU head کاپی کرن، ونڈن تے بدلن دی ایس ڈوکومنٹ ل‏ئی اجازت دتی جاندی اے ایہناں GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 شرطاں نال یا مگروں کسے وی چھپے ورین Free Software Foundation توں بنا کسے انویرینٹ سیکشن دے، ناں فرنٹ کور لکھت تے ناں بیک کور لکھت دے۔ لسنس دی اک کاپی سیکشن وچ ہیگی اے جہدا ناں اے GNU Free Documentation License۔
w:en:Creative Commons
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ایہ فائل ایس لسنس Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic نال چلدی اے۔
تہانوں کھلھ اے:
  • حصہ کرنا – کاپی، ونڈنا تے کم بھیجنا
  • فیر رلانا – کم نوں فٹ کرنا
تھلے دتیاں شرطاں نال:
  • کس دے ناں – تسیں لازمی ایس کم دے بناں والے بارے دسو جنج اونے آکھیا اے یا جنج لسنس چ آکھیا گیا ہے۔
  • اکو جہا شئیر کرو۔ – اگر تسیں بدلدے یا ایس کم تے بناندے تے بنن والے کم نوں اینج دے لسنس نال ای ونڈو گے۔
تسیں اپنی مرضی دا لائسنس چݨ سکدے اوہ۔


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copyrighted English

نومبر 2008

فائل دی تریخ

فائل نو اس ویلے دی حالت وچ ویکھن واسطے تاریخ/ویلے تے کلک کرو۔

تریخ تے ویلہنکی مورتپاسےورتن والاتیپّݨی کرو
موجودہ۲۱:۱۰, ۲۳ نومبر ۲۰۰۸۲۱:۱۰, ۲۳ نومبر ۲۰۰۸ ویلے دے ورژن ساتھ انگوٹھاکار روپ۴۰۰ × ۴۰۰ (۸ کلوبائٹ)Geek3{{Information |Description={{en|1=Sphere wireframe - the image shows lines, which are drawn as they were painted onto the surface of a sphere. The distance between two lines is 10°. The svg file is created by the below c++-program, which calculates each

تھلے دتے گئے 1 صفحے اس فائل نال جُڑدے نیں

فائل ویاپک ورتوں

ایہہ دوجے وکیاں ایس فائل نوں ورتدے نیں –

ایس فائل دا ویکھو ہور جگت ورتن .

میٹا ڈیٹا